Ruth Seymour KCRW Pioneer Has Died.

Arts & Celebrities

Ruth Seymour, the powerhouse who, as both Program Director and General Manager, built KCRW radio from a modest college radio station in 1997 into an international tastemaker by the time she retired in 2010, died at her home in Santa Monica on December 22, 2022, after a prolonged illness. She was 88.

It was under Seymour that KCRW licensed to Santa Monica College became the West Coast flagship for National Public Radio (NPR), and that KCRW launched such iconic programs as Morning Become Eclectic. Bookworm with Michael Silverblatt, Le Show with Harry Schearer, Which Way LA? And Left, Right and Center, to name but a few. She was the first to air “This American Life,” convincing other stations to carry Ira Glass’ program. She also pioneered contemporary radio dramas, including a reading of Sinclair Lewis’ Babbitt, and gave a creative home to radio storyteller Joe Frank.

Seymour was innovative in fostering a radio station that catered not to a genre or a demographic but to a spirit of curiosity, culture, and intelligence – to the mix that Los Angeles represents. Seymour was tough, direct, and strong in her instincts and opinions. It would be easy to see KCRW as programmed purely for an audience of one: Seymour. However, Seymour was incredibly generous in the freedom she gave to those who produced, programmed, and appeared on-air as the voices of KCRW’s distinctive signature programs.

In December of 2003, I wrote a column about Seymour for the Jewish Journal of Los Angeles. Seymour had a tradition of her own, where every year on the Friday that fell during Hannukah, she would take to the airways with a special four-hour program she called, “Philosopher’s Fiddler’s & Fools.” The first hour was traditional Jewish music and Klezmer; the second was a memorial section where she played such songs as The Warsaw Ghetto Partisans Song and then read the final page of Andre Schwartz-Bart’s The Last of the Just. The third hour would be a reading of a short story – often by Isaac Bashevis Singer, read by an actor or actresses (which one year was Lauren Bacall, and in another, Theo Bikel). The final hour featured what Seymour called, “The Second Avenue Hit Parade” where she played some of the greatest hits of the Yiddish musical theater.

Seymour knew her Yiddish. In the Bronx where she grew up, she attended the Sholem Aleichem school; later at the City College of New York she studied under the great Yiddish scholar Max Weinreich. For Seymour, Yiddish was the mamaloshen (the mother tongue). The Chanukah program was, Seymour told me, “A love letter to my own childhood.”

At a radio station built on eclectic music, created for a diverse community, hearing a few hours of Yiddish and Jewish-themed content on a winter Friday, was always a highlight – it was nostalgia, it was respect, it was warm and joyful. It was Ruth Seymour.

I will confess that I was so attached to that annual program that since Seymour left KCRW, I have lobbied General Manager Jennifer Ferro on an almost yearly basis to continue the tradition of having a once-a-year Friday Hannukah program, to no avail. I even sent entreaties to Madeline Brand to devote just one hour of her PressPlay to such a program – no luck so far. Maybe next year? I could think of no better tribute to Seymour.

In Yiddish we would say: zal ir zikhrun zeyn a bruckha (May her memory be a blessing).

Ruth Seymour is survived by her daughter, Celia Hirschman, her sister and brother-in-law Ann and Richard Zimmer and their children Jessica and Daniel, and her cousins Anita Getzler and Greg Epstein. Ruth’s son, David, preceded her in death.

A public memorial service is being planned.


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