Senators Introduce Bipartisan Legislation To End Legacy Admissions



Sens. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.) introduced legislation Tuesday to end legacy admissions at colleges and universities, pushing more schools to follow the footsteps of Wesleyan and others that banned the controversial practice in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to end the decades-long practice of affirmative action.

Key Facts

The legislation, the Merit-Based Educational Reforms and Institutional Transparency Act or MERIT Act, would end the practice of colleges and universities giving “preferential treatment” during the admissions process by changing current school accreditation requirements.

The bill would amend the Higher Education Act to create a new accreditation standard that would prohibit colleges and universities from giving preferential treatment to applicants based on their relationship to donors or alumni.

Young and Kaine said they want better data surrounding the influence of legacy and donor relationships on the admissions process and requested a comprehensive feasibility study to figure out how to get that data.

In addition, the bill says religious institutions can continue to make admissions decisions that are “in line” with their values and will not have their right to religious freedom infringed upon.


Some colleges and universities have opposed measures like this one because of the role legacy admissions can play in fundraising. When Harvard University’s committee to study race-neutral alternatives looked into the practice in 2018, they found that removing any consideration of legacy “would diminish this vital sense of engagement and support.”


In the wake of the Supreme Court decision, some on the Hill argued that regulating admissions practice is not the job of the federal government. Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.) previously said legacy admissions at “super-elite” universities show a level of hypocrisy but said he’s “not convinced we have the authority to tell them not to do it,” according to the Huffington Post. But others, like Sens. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), JD Vance (R-Ohio), Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) have expressed concern about legacy admissions at elite universities specifically.

Big Number

100. That’s how many colleges and universities have ended the practice of legacy admissions since 2015, according to a report from Education Reform Now.

What We Don’t Know

It’s unclear how far support for the bill expands beyond Kaine and Young.

Key Background

Kaine and Young’s legislation comes in the wake of the Supreme Court’s June decision to end the years-long practice of affirmative action. The 6-3 decision said that colleges and universities could no longer use race as a factor in their admissions decisions. The decision prompted discussions about what should be considered during the admissions process and brought fierce critique over the practice of legacy decisions. In the aftermath of that discussion, Wesleyan University and the University of Minnesota at Twin Cities Campus both banned legacy admissions. Even before the Supreme Court’s decision, some colleges and universities had banned the practice including Amherst, Johns Hopkins and Carnegie Mellon.

Surprising Fact

It’s not just Young and Kaine who want to end the practice of legacy admission. Some 75% of those surveyed for a Pew Research Center survey in 2022 said they believe legacy status should not be a factor in the admissions process.

Further Reading

Minority Groups Challenge Harvard’s Legacy Admissions—Days After Affirmative Action Struck Down (Forbes)


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