Stress can be “the triggering factor” for skin problems. Dermatologists share their advice.


There are many ways mental health can affectt our physical health, but did you know that stress can even affect the look and feel of our skin? It's true, say dermatologists.

Dermatologist Dr. Afton Cobb says he sees patients all the time who note “the trigger that worsened their skin condition was stress in their lives.”

“It's amazing how stress obviously affects our whole body, but especially our skin,” she says.

how is it It has to do with hormones.

“When you're stressed, your body releases stress hormones that have a huge impact on your entire body, including your skin,” says dermatologist Dr. Samer Jaber of Washington Square Dermatology in New York.

One of the main hormones released is cortisol, she says, which increases oil gland production and can lead to clogged pores and worsening acne.

Stress can also affect the skin barrier.

“When the skin's barrier is affected, it can lead to dry skin and breakouts of eczema or psoriasis,” she explains.

Studies have shown that atopic dermatitis, another name for eczema, can get worse with stress, Cobb adds. It is a chronic disease with symptoms that include itching, dryness and red spots on the skin.

Stress hormones can also take a toll how our skin ages by breaking down collagen and elastin in the skin, resulting in a decrease in skin elasticity.

“This can lead to finer lines and wrinkles and accelerate skin aging,” says Jaber.

Does stress cause hair loss?

It's not just your skin: Chronic or severe stress can affect you your hair too.

“Stress can trigger autoimmune patches of hair loss called alopecia areata and cause diffuse hair loss called telogen effluvium,” says Jaber. “There was also a study in mice that showed that chronic stress can accelerate hair loss.”

An itchy scalp can also be a manifestation of stress, anxiety or depression, Cobb adds.

How to prevent stress-related skin problems

Jaber says the best way to treat your skin to prevent stress damage is to have one first simple and regular skin care routine.

“Be consistent,” he suggests. “Wash your face with a mild cleanser, use a sunscreen regularly and make sure to keep your skin hydrated.”

The next step is to manage the stress itself to improve skin conditions.

“You can't always eliminate that stress in your life, but you can certainly influence how you respond to it,” says Cobb. “With my patients, we'll sometimes talk about getting them to a therapist, trying to make sure they have a good support group, trying to eliminate the stressful etiology, if possible.”

This can help prevent a cycle of stress-induced skin problems, such as acne breakouts, for example, which for stressed or anxious people can lead to skin picking, making the situation even worse.

“A lot of people experience it, it's normal,” he says.

Lifestyle changes can also help reduce stress and improve overall health, including skin health.

“Adequate sleep, regular exercise and good nutrition, meditation and spending time with friends or loved ones can also help with stress,” adds Jaber. “Don't hesitate to seek professional treatment from a therapist, psychologist or psychiatrist if needed.”


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