Table Talk At Trump Card Bridge Club: A Captivating Debut Novel Available Worldwide


– Announcement –

The bridge world is expected to be buzzing with the release of “Table Talk At Trump Card Bridge Club,” Craig Bradwell's debut novel. This extraordinary book, available on Amazon and distributed worldwide through Ingram Spark, takes readers on a journey through the world of bridge, youth and nostalgia. Paying tribute to the Grimsby Bridge Club in Lincolnshire, UK, now down to its last 12 members, and celebrating the golden days of the club when every table was taken and the atmosphere filled with camaraderie and joy.

A debut novel with a unique twist

– Announcement –

“Table Talk at Trump Card Bridge Club” is a captivating debut novel that breathes new life into the game of bridge. At its core, it is a heartfelt story about learning, growing, and the lasting bonds forged through the art of bridge. What sets this novel apart is its unique perspective: a story of youth bridge that traces back to the author's own experiences learning the game at age 11.

“Bridge rescued me from a world of bullying and five years of torment during my high school years. It gave me a sense of purpose and became a lifelong companion,” says author Craig Bradwell. “To me, bridge has always been more than a game; it was my best friend and savior “Table Talk At Trump Card Bridge Club” pays tribute to my personal journey into the world of bridge and the countless happy hours I spent around the bridge table.”

A Tribute to Grimsby Bridge Club

This novel also serves as a moving tribute to the Grimsby Bridge Club. Located in the heart of North East Lincolnshire, this club was once a thriving center for bridge enthusiasts and a pillar of the community. The book mourns the club's decline, while at the same time, it celebrates the club's vibrant past when every table was occupied and the rooms buzzed with laughter and competition.

In a heartfelt dedication to the book, Craig Bradwell writes, “I hope to see you all soon in the playroom of heaven and catch up on old times. Keep the seat warm and waiting my old friends and associates.”

The charming story of the novel

“Table Talk at Trump Card Bridge Club” takes readers on a journey through the lives of its young protagonists, Sophie, Craig, James and Emily, who discover bridge at an early age. The narrative seamlessly weaves the trials and tribulations of Youth Bridge with the everyday life of a bridge club told through the eyes of both club members and young students.

The book is filled with vivid descriptions of bridge games played at the fictional Trump Card Bridge Club which are based on the authors own experiences of playing at Grimsby Bridge Club, bringing to life the tension, excitement and complexity of the game. Craig Bradwell's prose expertly captures the essence of bridge, making it accessible and engaging for experienced players and newcomers alike.

As Craig, James, Sophie and Emily explore the secrets of the game, they discover the rich history and traditions of the Trump Card Bridge Club and meet a diverse cast of characters, each with their own stories to tell, all bound together by their shared love . by bridge

A literary triumph

“Table Talk at Trump Card Bridge Club” is more than a bridge novel; it is a testament to the enduring power of human connection, the passage of time and the preservation of cherished memories. It is a literary triumph that will resonate with readers of all ages, bridge enthusiasts and those who appreciate the beauty of nostalgia.

Craig Bradwell's debut novel invites readers to rediscover the joy of bridge, the magic of storytelling, and the bonds that bind generations together.


“Table Talk at Trump Card Bridge Club” is now available on Amazon and for worldwide distribution through Ingram Spark. For more information and to purchase the book, visit Amazon or Ingram Spark.


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