THE ACOLYTE Introduces Its Mysterious Sith-Lord Villain, ‘The Master’


If there was one character that stood out in everything the acolytepromotional materials from, it was the mysterious Sith Lord who hides his face behind a mask. Truly, this enemy of the Jedi is one of the most fearsome creations ever to emerge from one War of the galaxies property. But while his identity remains shrouded in mystery, War of the galaxies fans of the dark side didn't have to wait long to meet their evil Sith. What did we learn about the menacing evil called “The Master” in the acolytefirst episodes? Let's take a look.

The Sith Lord known as “The Master” wants Mae to kill the Jedi without a weapon in the acolyte

Star Wars Sith Lord Acolyte Villain

We only saw the acolyteThe evil Sith Lord once in the first two episodes of the series. Mae meets him on a deserted beach located on an unknown planet. But in his later scenes with Qimir, we learn a little more about this so-called “master” and his agenda for Mae.

Mae reveals that she has been tasked with killing four Jedi, apparently by the Master. But from what he shares, the Sith Lord specifically wants him to kill a Jedi without using a weapon. So far, Mae has been unsuccessful in these pursuits. She kills Jedi Master Indara with a knife and Jedi Master Torbin with Qimir poison. But he points out that he has two Jedi left to kill to fulfill the Master's order.

Qimir also seems to be somehow involved with the Masked Sith Lord. When Osha impersonates Mae, she thinks for a moment that Mae has accomplished her task and points out, “Wait, you killed Torbin without the poison. He'll be very happy.” It remains to be seen how Qimir, who on the face of it seems more innocent than the rest, mixes with the Sith.

The teacher and his speech

The acolyte poster reveals Mae and Osha

When Mae meets with the acolyteAt the end of the first episode, the Sith villain delivers the following speech. He intones, “The Jedi live in a dream, a dream they believe everyone shares, if you attack a Jedi with a weapon you will fail, steel or laser is no threat to them, but an acolyte, an acolyte kills without weapon. An acolyte kills the dream.”

Maybe that has to do with why The Master is so ready for Mae to kill an unarmed Jedi. The Sith Lord's speech seems to imply that the Jedi can only be brought down by emotional attacks/attacks on their spirit. And maybe that's what the Master hopes Mae will learn to do. But for now, the practical goals of this villain's mission remain unclear.

Who is Star Wars: The mysterious Sith Lord of the Acolyte?

But just who he is Star Wars: The Acolytethe mysterious Sith Lord villain? Well, it's too early to tell. Although we have some theories. We're sure there will be a reveal, and a good one, sooner rather than later.

It's this evil Sith Lord the titular acolyte the acolyteor is it mae

Another natural question around Star Wars: The Acolyte is related to the identity of the titular acolyte. Of course, the series seems to imply that Mae is the acolyte in question. But it could be that The Master is also a candidate for the position. We will have to wait and see.

Here are some other looks Star Wars: The AcolyteThe villain of the Sith Lord

The identity and motivations of Star Wars: The AcolyteThe evil Sith Lord will surely develop over time. But while we wait to hear more, here are the pictures of “The Master” we've seen so far.

the acolyte now streaming on Disney+.


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