‘The Creator’ Is Strong Sci-Fi And Top-Tier Visual Masterpiece

Arts & Celebrities

Writer-director Gareth Edwards’ latest original project The Creator bows this weekend with hopes its A.I. subject matter and eye-popping action-driven VFX spectacle attracts audiences hungry for unique and high-quality entertainment in a theatrical landscape littered with failed franchise sequels and false starts.

I’ve already looked at The Creator’s likely box office debut and how its theatrical run might play out, so you can read details in that report from Friday morning. Suffice to say, The Creator is opening soft at under $20 million domestic and isn’t on pace for a blockbuster breakout performance.

The thing is, with its $80 million budget and modest marketing, The Creator has a low bar for covering it’s costs purely at the box office. Compare this, by the way, to the upcoming $200 million budgeted release Killers of the Flower Moon for example, which is expected to open around $20-25 million if early tracking proves correct.

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Hopefully turnout worldwide is enough to boost it past profitability, but this is where merchandising and other revenue streams will help, including home entertainment sales and rentals, plus any tax credits and pre-sales and other licensing deals.

That’s typically not much comfort to studio releases hoping for big results, but this isn’t an IP project and it had shockingly reasonable expenses for such a large-scale VFX project. It serves as another great example of how to keep soaring costs under control so even ambitious genre films don’t have to gross $500-600 million just to get out of red ink.

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But most of all, The Creator serves as a great example of unique original storytelling by visionary filmmakers with casts and crews dedicated to greatness.

By the way, this is the sort of film that works better as a perfect example for anyone who wants to say studios should stop investing huge sums into the same handful of franchises and genres at the expense of funding a wider array of diverse, ambitious projects that can even serve as the sort of towering epic genre releases studios love but at more reasonable prices and in larger numbers. It’s a great version of a point that can be easily made and understood without denouncing other genres and films, and it would help evolve the traditional studio approaches in a way that might make everyone happier than they expect.

It works as a strong example of how even franchises and IP adaptations could function, too, taking pressure off any individual movie to perpetually make more money than the last big thing, allowing studios and storytellers to take more risks and give lots more characters and ideas a chance at adaptation that might not otherwise be considered.

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Now, without further ado, let’s get to my full review…

The Creator wants to be an eye-popping summer sci-fi action movie with a fun, relatably straightforward redemption tale and road trip from one action set-piece to the next, sort of like an original standalone tale in a Star Wars universe. The problem is, it also wants to show its indie spirit and imbue its action and characters with a thoughtful premise about current crises and choices facing our world, akin to Children of Men perhaps.

A good comparison for where The Creator aims to fall might be Gravity, with its hyper-realistic visual effects and action-disaster narrative given a touch of emotional loss and overcoming a personal demon or inner struggle manifested in the external fight. That film perfectly threads the needle as a sci-fi space adventure grounded by photo-realistic visual effects and survival framing, and elevated further by a remarkable and Oscar-winning lead performance from Sandra Bullock.

Had Gravity also attempted analogies to American imperialism and metaphors for racism and class warfare, and if at times seemed to pull back from being too serious but right in the midst of dramatic painful moments that are undercut by a joke or bit of slapstick, it might have… well, been dragged down by the weight of its own themes.

The Creator attempts such a juggling act, and usually succeeds by wearing its themes and premise on its sleeve so visibly that they needn’t also be present in deeper subtext. This limits how much those analogies and metaphors manifest within the storytelling, and let it sit obvious enough that it’s just a practical fact of the film’s reality.

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The joking moments are luckily limited and mostly innocuous, so they likewise don’t really detract from anything other than stepping on the toes of a couple of dramatic moments of action, and sometimes the humor is welcome feel natural (“We don’t have that in the fridge…”). But the larger point that the film often feels pulled in different directions tonally, and might’ve worked best if it chose what it wanted to be and honed in on that.

This is getting my complaints out of the way early, because mostly I appreciate and enjoy The Creator a lot. My complaint, if anything, seems to be that the film should’ve taken an extra 20 minutes or so to expand upon certain ideas and facts presented in the story that, if treated as the more important matters they had potential to be, could’ve elevated the story toward something akin to Children of Men. And the film acts at times like that’s its goal, so it’s a bit frustrating that it chose not to be more ambitious in those regards and swing for the fences.

Then again, the budget might have simply limited how much time there was to explore these themes and characters. How much would another 20 minutes have cost in the middle of the film and toward the end? Never mind, the film doesn’t have it and doesn’t need it, as long as its happy with the choice not to reach farther.

The result is still a pretty smart and highly entertaining spectacle with cool sci-fi concepts, the best visual effects of anything you’ll see this year — it looks like it was filmed in a world where all of these things really exist, so immersive is the production design and cinematography.

It’s a truly gorgeous film, with big bold action sequences that could go toe to toe with the best of any big-budget franchise you can name. While the tone fluctuates between rousing action adventure to ponderous war drama and somber social commentary, it never loses its glorious, beautiful appearance and Oscar-worthy visual effects.

Sci-fi fans should be pleased to have another solid, intelligent, entertaining entry in the genre, one that hits best on a big screen where you can let the immersive imagery and cinematography pull you in for a couple of hours of fun. And if you also develop a bit more sympathy for how sentient A.I. might feel in a world of humans, well that can’t hurt either, since we’ll all need to consider that a lot more soon enough.


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