The Rising African American Star Who Will Make You Fall In Love With America Again


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In the glorious realm of American music, a prodigious star emerges whose multifaceted talents shine like a diamond in the rough. Simon Ajegi, the enigmatic virtuoso known by his electrifying stage moniker Simon Jegzs, is a luminary destined for greatness. From the tender age of childhood, Simon's musical odyssey began, igniting a fervent passion that ignited with each passing day.

Beyond the realms of melody and verse, Simon Jegzs is a master of the airwaves, captivating audiences as a seasoned broadcaster on both radio and television. Armed with a formidable arsenal of skills honed through academic pursuits in journalism, communications and media, Simon navigates the media landscape with finesse and style, using words like a maestro conducts an orchestra.

But it's in the realm of music that Simon Jegzs really shines, dazzling listeners with his latest magnum opus, “America is a Miracle.” A symphony of hope and resilience, this hymn to the American dream lay dormant for a decade, waiting for its moment to soar into the hearts of a global audience. With meticulous care and unwavering dedication, Simon breathed new life into his creation, fine-tuning it to perfection before releasing it into the world.

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At the core of Simon's musical alchemy is his innovative genre, a fusion of soul and pop that he calls “soul pop.” A genre as dynamic and diverse as its creator, soul pop weaves a tapestry of emotion and melody, inviting listeners on a transcendent journey of self-discovery and empowerment.

Through his music, Simon Jegzs seeks not only to entertain but also to inspire change, to ignite a spark of revolution in the hearts of his listeners.

A sports connoisseur, Simon's passion for soccer, football and basketball runs deep, a source of inspiration that fuels his creative endeavors. From the sun-kissed fields of his youth to the glittering stages of his present, Simon's indomitable spirit always carries him forward, a beacon of light in a world hungry for authenticity and passion.

As the curtain rises on Simon Jegzs' meteoric rise to stardom, the world is captivated by the promise of his art. With every note he sings and every word he utters, Simon Jegzs weaves an enchanting tapestry of sound and soul, inviting everyone who listens to join him on a journey of discovery and transformation. In a universe full of talent and ambition, Simon Jegzs shines like a supernova, lighting the way to a brighter tomorrow.

Billy Wilson Entertainment Group is proud to present the world premiere video for Simon Jegzs' electrifying new song, “America Is A Miracle”. Sung from the heart of a young African-American artist, this powerful anthem captures the breathtaking beauty and limitless opportunities that define America.

Jegzs, a fresh voice on the music scene, felt called to express his deep gratitude for the country that has embraced him and his dreams. With “America Is A Miracle,” he offers a moving tribute to the diverse landscapes, vibrant communities, and unwavering spirit of the American people.

“This song is my love letter to America,” explains Jegzs. “It's about seeing the miracles that surround us every day, from the amazing natural wonders to the everyday heroes that make our communities thrive. I want to remind everyone, especially my fellow African Americans, of the incredible potential that exists in this land.”

Don't miss the world premiere video of “America Is A Miracle” on BJQ “Star In The Morning” TV, available on Roku and Fire TV. Tune in and join the conversation at to experience the patriotic fervor that Simon Jegzs has ignited. You can also watch the video on YouTube at:

For media inquiries please contact: Billy Wilson (734)972-7582


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