TikToker Allison Kuch Reveals Why She Won’t Share Her Daughter Online


That's why when asked what he's learned after four months in the trenches, he avoids talking at all.

The advice she would give new moms is, “It's really hard, but you'll figure it out,” insisted Allison. “No baby is the same, no mother is the same. So as much as I wish I could give people that, like, 'Oh, this will fix everything,'” there's no one who wins.

Rather, the key, he continued, is “being patient with yourself. Because I think she had these expectations of, like, 'Oh, I need to be perfect, I need to do this, I don't want to screw her up.' But as long as you have her best interest at heart of your child in your heart and always do your best, everything will be fine.”

And Allison isn't the only newbie enjoying her first-time momdom Day Over the weekend, check out the other new mums who entered the game in the last 12 months.


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