Transcript: New Mexico Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on “Face the Nation,” June 23, 2024


The following is a transcript of an interview with New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, Democrat, on “Face the Nation” that aired on June 23, 2024.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And we turn now to the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham. He joins us this morning from Santa Fe. Good morning, governor.

GOV. MICHELLE LUJAN GRISHAM: Good morning, Margaret. Thanks for having me this morning.

MARGARET BRENNAN: I know President Biden issued this emergency declaration for your state because of the fires, but you also had a 200-mile long dust storm, catastrophic flooding, what are the most serious issues and what do you need?

GOV. LUJAN GRISHAM: Well, we want to continue to have an open door to federal resources. FEMA is amazing on the ground. In an emergency, they carry personnel and opened the door to direct federal monetary assistance to the state and, more importantly, to individuals. FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell was in Ruidoso yesterday. And I have to say that the Biden administration has pushed through these emergency declarations quickly so that we can get families back. But it's been a hell of a week here, Margaret, dust, heat, floods, these aren't the only evacuations. We have flood evacuations up north where the largest wildfire in US history, one of the largest wildfires in US history, has been very hard on New Mexicans. And I'm… I'm grateful to all the first-timers who put them first and step up to make sure they're as safe as we can make them.

MARGARET BRENNAN: And I know we all wish your state residents well as they deal with all of this. You are a border state, I wonder if all this excessive heat is affecting the migrants coming in from Mexico?

GOV. LUJAN GRISHAM: So we haven't seen the kind of increases outside of ports of entry that people in other states have seen. Now, that doesn't mean at all that this doesn't still have some risk. But we haven't seen heat-related problems for asylum seekers, certainly not in these first six months. But your point is very valid. In fact, there have been multiple deaths on the New Mexico border in past years, and particularly on the Texas and California borders due to extreme heat. But right now, we're focused on the security aspects announced by the Biden administration, which are very important for states like New Mexico to have more people at the ports of entry, where the risks are present every day, to really focus on the human trafficking, drugs. , guns and other contraband. And I greatly appreciate the president's investment in more border security where it matters. But

MARGARET BRENNAN: It sounds like you could even use more than that. I know you were here in Washington with the president when he signed the executive order limiting the ability to seek asylum for those crossing between ports of entry. You know, some of your fellow Democrats were very critical of this, saying it undermines American values. Why are they wrong?

GOV. LUJAN GRISHAM: Well, they're not wrong. I mean, frankly, then the president took a balanced approach, when he creates protections and job opportunities for undocumented families, part of a legal right, an American citizen is married to someone who is undocumented, or as other members of extended family and DACA. recipients and dreamers can now gain protections. Here's what I think he did…

MARGARET BRENNAN: Well, that was a new measure last week.


GOV. LUJAN GRISHAM: –He focused on – oh, the new measure. So look at security – I need security first, you can't protect others. And make no mistake, New Mexico, like everywhere else in the country, suffers from the amount of drugs, guns and related nefarious problems that are exacerbated by not having people in the right places on the border. I also appreciate that he did something with all these other families.

MARGARET BRENNAN: Yes, right. But that is a different matter. For those people who have been living here for a decade and are married to an American. That was the effort the president signed last week, when it comes to the executive order, the ACLU is trying to sue the Biden administration saying it was legally identical to the Trump ban they blocked in 2019 .does that bother you?

GOV. LUJAN GRISHAM: No, well, it bothers me that that's the point that they're taking, and I certainly understand that we're going to do a lot of challenges and litigation. But here's the problem. We are not separating families. We are making it very clear that you can go through a port of entry. I have a president who, unlike Congress, including when I was in Congress, is willing to focus on safety, fairness, whether it's one or two different decisions, and creating, I hope, a path for Congress to stop listening to a candidate. who continues to try to score political points, instead of solving problems for states like mine and American families, is doing both.

MARGARET BRENNAN: You've been a very vocal advocate for access, I should say, for access to reproductive health. This week marks two years since Roe vs. Wade was defeated. However, in 2023, America had the highest number of abortions and the highest abortion rate in more than a decade. Why do you think there are more abortions at a time when there is reduced access?

GOV. LUJAN GRISHAM: Well, I think there are more abortions because more women are at risk, which means they can't access a provider, they can't get prenatal care. You have providers who are concerned about prosecutions and other issues that interfere with their ability to provide care, less access to contraceptives, less public health information, less ability to reach your primary care physician. Most families and women live eighty-six kilometers from a supplier: a draconian situation is created; you will increase the risk at each location. And this is a state that is clear about protecting women and creating equality, but that's what I think is the genesis of this situation.

MARGARET BRENNAN: All right, Governor, good luck dealing with all these emergencies in your state. We will follow up on them. Face the Nation will be back in a minute. stay with us


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