Trump Can Be Sued For Inciting Jan. 6, Appeals Court Rules



A federal appeals court rejected Friday former President Donald Trump’s efforts to have multiple civil lawsuits thrown out that hold him liable for the Jan 6, 2021, riot at the Capitol building, striking down Trump’s argument that being the president made him “immune” from liability — at least for now — and potentially hurting his defense in his multiple criminal cases involving the 2020 election.

Key Facts

Trump faces three civil lawsuits brought by Democratic members of Congress and Capitol police officers, which seek to punish him for inciting the January 6 riot.

After a federal district judge refused to throw out the cases in the lower court in February 2022, Trump appealed them to the Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, which heard arguments in the case last year, arguing he cannot be punished for Jan 6 because his actions in the aftermath of the election are shielded by “presidential immunity” and his actions are legally protected because he was acting as president at the time.

The court ruled Friday against that argument, affirming the lower court’s ruling against Trump’s effort to “dismiss the claims against him on the grounds of presidential immunity.”

Judges noted in the 3-0 ruling that they’re ruling against Trump “at this stage in the proceeding” and the ex-president will still have a further chance to make his case, but struck down Trump’s claims that he has presidential immunity because he was trying to overturn the 2020 election while he was president, even though his actions were as a political candidate, rather than an official part of his presidential duties.

Trump’s campaign activities — like trying to overturn the election results, which plaintiffs argue incited the Jan. 6 riot — were undertaken “in an unofficial, private capacity as office-seeker, not an official capacity as office-holder,” the court ruled, adding that “actions taken in an unofficial capacity cannot qualify for official-act immunity.”

Trump’s spokesperson Steven Cheung has not yet responded to a request for comment.

Crucial Quote

“In [Trump’s] view, a President’s speech on matters of public concern is invariably an official function, and he was engaged in that function when he spoke at the January 6 rally and in the leadup to that day,” Judge Sri Srinivasan, who was appointed by former President Barack Obama, wrote in their opinion for the court. “We cannot accept that rationale.”

What To Watch For

The civil cases against Trump are still moving forward in district court, and the appeals court noted Friday the ex-president will still “have the opportunity to show that his alleged actions in the runup to and on January 6 were taken in his official capacity as President rather than in his unofficial capacity as presidential candidate.” “Our decision is not necessarily even the final word on the issue of presidential immunity,” the court noted, emphasizing they were also not ruling on the merits of whether Trump should be held liable for Jan. 6. It’s likely Trump could appeal the appeals court’s ruling to the Supreme Court. The ruling against Trump having presidential immunity is also likely to come into play as he faces two criminal cases in Georgia and in federal court for trying to overturn the 2020 election. The ex-president has similarly sought to have the charges against him thrown out because of presidential immunity in those cases as well, which remain pending — though judges could be less inclined to side with him given the appeals court’s ruling.

Key Background

The cases at issue in Friday’s ruling include a litigation brought by Rep. Eric Swalwell (R-Calif.), a separate lawsuit brought by more than 10 House Democrats and a third suit brought by two Capitol police officers. (Additional police-led lawsuits against the president are moving forward separately in court.) The lawsuits seek to hold Trump and his allies liable for the trauma the events of January 6 brought the members of Congress and officers, who were present at the Capitol building at the time of the attack, as well as for how it interfered with lawmakers’ efforts to certify the presidential election result. Trump helped incite the Jan. 6 attack based on his efforts to overturn the presidential election, the plaintiffs allege, particularly through his statements made at the rally that preceded the riot, such as telling his supporters to “fight like hell” and saying they could “go by very different rules” to challenge the vote count. In his ruling allowing the cases against Trump to move forward, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta ruled Trump’s immunity claims were “misleading and wrong as a matter of law.” The Democratic-appointed judge did dismiss claims in the lawsuit against attorney Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump Jr., ruling their speeches at the Jan. 6 rally were protected under the First Amendment.

Further Reading

Bid to hold Trump accountable for Jan. 6 violence stalls at appeals court (Politico)

Judge Lets January 6 Lawsuits Against Trump Move Forward—But Dismisses Case Against Giuliani And Don Jr. (Forbes)

Trump Claims Immunity Against Jan. 6 Lawsuit Because His Efforts To Overturn Election Were Part Of His Presidential Duties (Forbes)

Another Capitol Police Officer Sues Trump Over January 6 Insurrection (Forbes)

Nadler And 9 House Dems Join Lawsuit Against Trump, Giuliani And Proud Boys Over Capitol Attack (Forbes)

Ex-House Impeachment Manager Eric Swalwell Sues Trump And Allies Over Capitol Riot (Forbes)

Two Capitol Officers Sue Trump For Inciting And Abetting January 6 Insurrection (Forbes)


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