Trump, Joe Biden go head-to-head ahead of 2024 US election


Voters are not enthusiastic about both candidates, but for different reasons.

At 81, Biden is considered by some to be too old to serve effectively as president. Donald Trump, who is not a young man, at 78, has been found guilty of falsifying business records to cover up an affair with a porn star.

In addition to making him the first former president of the United States to be criminally convicted, he has been impeached by the House twice and is accused of inciting a siege of the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

US President Joe Biden and his predecessor, Donald Trump.Credit: AP

Still, the American voter seems equally impressed.

Biden and Trump enter the debate with low favorability ratings. About six in 10 American adults say they have a very or somewhat unfavorable view of Biden, and a similar number have a negative view of Trump.

A majority of Americans, 56 percent, say they are “very” or “somewhat” dissatisfied with Biden being the likely Democratic nominee for president, and a similar majority are dissatisfied with Trump as the likely nominee for GOP. The poll indicates that Republicans remain more satisfied with a Trump renomination than Democrats with an early Biden renomination. Six in 10 Republicans are satisfied with Trump as a candidate; only 42 percent of Democrats say that about Biden.

About three in 10 American adults are dissatisfied with Trump and Biden as their party's likely nominees, with independents and Democrats more likely than Republicans to be dissatisfied with both.

with AP


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