Two men found guilty of murdering footballer Cody Fisher in revenge for a night out incident


Report Two men found guilty of murdering footballer Cody Fisher in revenge for a night out incident – The trial of two men accused of murdering semi-professional footballer Cody Fisher in retaliation for a night out incident has reached a critical juncture, with the prosecution presenting a detailed case against Remy Gordon, Kami Carpenter, and Reegan Anderson. The case has been meticulously constructed, highlighting the events leading up to Fisher’s death and the subsequent actions of the accused.

Cody Fisher, a 23-year-old from Redditch, was stabbed to death on the dance floor of Crane nightclub in Birmingham on December 26, 2022. The fatal blow penetrated his heart, and he died at the scene. The attack was described as ‘appalling’ due to the knife being left embedded in his body. Fisher, who played for Stratford Town, Stourbridge FC, and Bromsgrove Sporting, was also stabbed in the leg and kicked while on the ground.

Two men found guilty of murdering footballer Cody Fisher in revenge for a night out incident

The prosecution alleges that Fisher was targeted two days after a minor altercation with one of the defendants, Remy Gordon, in Popworld, Solihull. The incident at Popworld is said to have escalated into a murderous attack at Crane nightclub, where Gordon, Carpenter, and Anderson are accused of carrying out a joint attack on Fisher. The prosecution has presented CCTV evidence and social media messages that suggest premeditation and a clear intention to harm Fisher.

Gordon, Carpenter, and Anderson are accused of discussing the level of security at venues and whether they could get knives in. It was alleged that Gordon provided information to Carpenter about the security staff at The Goose pub in Selly Oak using ‘wand’ devices and that they spoke similarly about Crane on Boxing Day, with one of them saying ‘not even a metal detector’ to the other. Carpenter is said to have shared an image of himself holding a large knife, which was the same brand as the knife left in Fisher’s body, although there is no suggestion it was the same weapon.

The defense for each accused has focused on their individual accounts of the events leading up to and following the stabbing. Kami Carpenter, for example, denied any involvement in the incident at Popworld and claimed he did not know Mr. Fisher. He insisted he went to Crane to have a good time and did not have a knife. Carpenter also denied starting the fight with a headbutt and claimed he was trying to pull Gordon away from the fight because it was getting out of hand.

Remy Gordon admitted giving his phone away and traveling to London in the days following the incident in panic. He claimed that Carpenter started the fight in Crane with a headbutt and denied planning the attack. Gordon also claimed that after everyone left Crane, he met a few of his friends at American Slice in Northfield, including Carpenter, who allegedly relayed to him that he had stabbed Fisher.

Reegan Anderson claimed he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was confused about what was happening. He denied stabbing Mr. Fisher, seeing who stabbed him, intending him serious harm, or being aware of anyone having a knife. Anderson also claimed he was in a separate fight with Mr. Vann, Fisher’s friend, and that he was not involved in the incident at Popworld.

The trial has highlighted the complexities of the case, with each defendant pointing fingers at each other and attempting to distance themselves from the fatal attack. The prosecution has presented a strong case against the accused, using CCTV evidence, social media messages, and the defendants’ own statements to build a narrative of premeditation and intent to harm. The defense, on the other hand, has focused on individual accounts and denials, attempting to cast doubt on the prosecution’s version of events.

The outcome of the trial will determine the guilt or innocence of Remy Gordon, Kami Carpenter, and Reegan Anderson in the murder of Cody Fisher. The case has drawn attention to the dangers of social media and the potential for it to be used as a tool for planning and executing violent acts.

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