USC removes outside speakers and honorees from 2024 commencement


USC announces no outside speakers or honorees at 2024 commencement ceremony

USC announces no outside speakers or honorees at 2024 commencement ceremony


The University of Southern California is pulling outside speakers and honorees from next month's commencement ceremony after a controversial decision to ban the university's commencement professor from delivering it. commencement speech

“To maintain the focus on our graduates, we are redesigning the commencement program,” USC said in a statement Friday afternoon.

The administration named “Crazy Rich Asians” director Jon M. Chu as the commencement speaker for the class of 2024, according to a recently deleted page on the university's website.

“Given the highly publicized circumstances surrounding our main stage commencement program, university management has decided it is best to let our speakers and honorees attend this year's ceremony,” said school “It is important that all of our attention is on our remarkable graduates. We will celebrate their achievements in a way that reflects the unity we hold so dear in our Troy family.”

The change comes after the university canceled promoter Asna Tabassum's ceremonial speech amid security concerns. He drew criticism for his views on the Middle East conflict and social media links that his opponents say promote “anti-Semitic and anti-Zionist rhetoric.”

“I'm not apologizing for the link I put on my Instagram. What I'm saying is that I'm committed to human rights. And I'm committed to the human rights of all people.” said Tabassum after cancellation. “A lot of the campaign against me has been, for example, claiming that I don't value Jewish life. That's simply not true.”

Donkey Tabassum
Donkey Tabassum

CBS News

The ban angered many students. Hundreds of people gathered next to the university's Tommy Trojan statue to protest the administration's decision Thursday afternoon.

“One of the most gifted girls I've ever met,” said student Kaiser Kuresi. “This university is trying to silence her.”

In a statement, USC said the decision had nothing to do with Tabassum's background or opinions.

“University leadership made this decision in close consultation with our Department of Public Safety and threat team,” USC said in a statement. “The decision had nothing to do with the promoter's background or point of view, but was based on a careful and holistic review of the situation from a safety perspective.”

USC senior Mark Rayant said he wanted the university to apologize for initially selecting Tabassum.

“My main point of contention is the fact that the university would select someone who is so outspoken on such a controversial, incendiary and polarizing issue at this time,” Rayant said.

He also wrote a letter to Tabassum after the announcement, hoping to have a conversation.

“To try to give it perspective, I think it can be lacking because it's a very polarized and politicized issue,” he said.

A petition calling for Tabassum to speak at the commencement has gathered thousands of signatures. More than 50 student organizations also signed a letter written in support of Tabassum, who argued that USC caved in to hate.

“I'm as committed to Jewish life as I am to Muslim or Christian, or any other kind of identity,” Tabassum said earlier this week.

More details about the commencement ceremony are expected to be released next week. The event will be on May 10 at 8:30 a.m

Honorary degrees will be awarded during a future graduation or other academic ceremony.


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