What Are Star Wars’ Mortis Gods & Why Are They So Unspeakably Powerful?


Initially, the Father claims that the Mortis gods are beings who long ago attained great power and are therefore in a sort of exile. However, after the Daughter dies, the Father warns that the Son may then spiral out of control and upset the balance of the Force. These three beings, therefore, must be fundamentally linked to the Force if one’s death can affect the very Force itself. Supporting this notion is the appearance of an ancient mural in “Star Wars: Rebels” Season 4, Episode 13 depicting the Mortis gods, confirming that they serve an important role in Jedi history.

The Son, meanwhile, shows Anakin visions of his future, further proving that they possess powers on a scale far beyond human capability. His interest in Anakin likewise mirrors the influence that the dark side has on the man who will become Darth Vader. All the while, the Father — balance — assesses Anakin’s potential to become the Chosen One, presaging his redemption in “Episode VI.”

By the end of “The Clone Wars” Season 3, Episode 17, all three Mortis gods are dead. However, the fact that they clearly transcend conventional existence suggests that their presence might not be gone from the universe so much as their roles in Anakin’s life were merely fulfilled.


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