What Bryce Dallas Howard Learned About Directing From Matthew Vaughn


The Big Picture

  • In Argylle, introverted author Elly Conway is pulled into the world of international espionage, similar to her own fictional spy in her latest book.
  • Bryce Dallas Howard wanted to understand how director Matthew Vaughn shot action and admired his ability to have a vision and pivot if needed.
  • There are rumors that Taylor Swift is the real Elly Conway, but it has been officially denied.

In Argylle, introverted author Elly Conway (Bryce Dallas Howard) finds herself pulled into the world of international espionage not unlike what she writes about in her books. In fact, what’s happening to her is awfully similar to the events of her latest story starring her fictional spy Argylle (Henry Cavill). Fortunately, she has the real-life spy Aiden (Sam Rockwell) there to help her — and her pet cat, also along for the ride — navigate this treacherous new adventure.

In this interview with Collider’s Steve Weintraub, Howard and her co-star Bryan Cranston talk about their first reactions to reading Jason Fuchs‘ script, and reveal which scenes they were most eager to film. Howard also talks about what lessons she took from Matthew Vaughn as a director, and she and Cranston talk about the rumors that Taylor Swift is really Elly Conway. Watch the full interview above, or check out the transcript below:


An introverted spy novelist is drawn into the activities of a sinister underground syndicate.

Release Date
February 2, 2024

Matthew Vaughn

135 minutes

Jason Fuchs

COLLIDER: Bryce, you are turning into a very talented director, and I want to know what did you “borrow” from Matthew Vaughn? Because he has a very unique style, and he’s a very unique filmmaker that you are now going to take with you to your future endeavors.

BRYCE DALLAS HOWARD: One of the main reasons why I wanted to do this movie was because I wanted to understand how Matthew shot his action. What he does is beyond what is typically seen these days. And getting to see his relationship with, very sadly, the late Brad Allen — because Brad set all of this up, all the choreography, and then passed away very suddenly, and so it was all on Matthew and his team to execute it.

I learned a lot about how he does it, but also how he does it under very difficult circumstances, and it was impressive. Also his ability to have a vision for something and pivot whenever needed. Like, if there’s a plan and he thinks it’s not working, he’ll shift it. That was pretty thrilling, and in large part because he paid for the movie himself.

Is Taylor Swift Really Elly Conway?

Bryce Dallas Howard as Elly in 'Argylle'
Image via Universal

I definitely want to ask this, a little bit of a playful question. There are a lot of rumors online that Taylor Swift is the real Elly Conway. What are you both thinking when you hear stuff like that?

BRYAN CRANSTON: Well, there’s no proof that she’s not Elly Conway, but there’s also no proof that she is. That’s all I’m gonna say.

HOWARD: I think Matthew has come out and officially said that it’s not Taylor Swift.

CRANSTON: I like to just stir the pot a little bit.

But isn’t that what a spy would say anyway?

HOWARD: Right.

It’s hard to talk about this movie, this thing is loaded with twists and turns. I’m so curious for both of you: what is it like reading a script like this for the first time? And how much is your agent, or Matthew giving you a heads up saying “expect twists and turns” or are they just saying enjoy this one?

HOWARD: Oh, it was just “enjoy this one.” It was Matthew emailing me directly. None of the reps had the script or anything, and he was just like, “I would love to have you take a read and see what you think.” And we both talked about this, it was Jason’s script, Jason Fuchs who’s the writer and producer of this film, just wrote something impeccable and just every three pages, it was like [gasps]. It’s how you feel when you’re watching the movie, it really translated. It’s like a ride.

CRANSTON: I did have to read some of the pages twice because [I was like] “he’s really going to…oh my God, the audacity of the filmmaker to say I’m going to do this.” And you go off into fantasy land just reading it, and anytime you’re able to put a cast together like he did, I was thrilled to be a part of it.

Last question for you. Seeing the shooting schedule, you know what’s coming up, what’s the day you have circled in terms of, “I cannot wait to film this,” or “Oh my God, how are we gonna film this?”

HOWARD: Oh God, honestly, it was on the regular. It was like tomorrow, and then another tomorrow, and then another tomorrow, where every single day was so ambitious on this movie. So we would start every day being like, “OK, how are we going to do this? How are we going to get there,” and lo and behold, you know, we would, and it was always because of Matthew’s determination, and his vision, and his strengths as a producer as well. He’s incredibly ambitious as a filmmaker, and a director, but he knows how to back it up by making it happen.

And that’s a special skill that most folks don’t have. You have either the creative, the visionary, and it’s like, “oh, I don’t want to know what it costs.” And then there’s the “but this doesn’t make sense to do it.” And Matthew is somehow able to combine both of those talents to make the impossible possible, and how lucky are we as audiences to get to experience that kind of spectacle.

CRANSTON: For me, there was one of the big twists in the middle of the movie, or early on. And I was excited to be able to be a part of that big twist because it’s one of those moments that the audience goes, “Oh my gosh!” And it’s always fun to be a part of that, to fool them. But then you can track it and you go, “oh my God. I see how this came about.” I won’t say anything more.

Argylle hits theaters on February 2.

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