What ‘Dexter Original Sin’ Needs To Be Better Than ‘New Blood’


The big picture

  • Dexter's focus on his dark passenger is crucial to understanding his character.
  • Dexter: Original Sin
    should delve deeper into the formation of Dexter's Dark Passenger to stay true to its story.
  • I like the previous series of Dexter
    New Blood
    he felt his ends by not fully embracing his dark nature.
    original sin
    has a chance to do better.

The announcement of Dexter: Original Sin left the fans divided. Some are excited, because every time we have the opportunity to go back Dexter worth while others are scratching their heads. Considering how both the original series and its revival, Dexter: New Blood, had lackluster endings, what are the odds that the new series will also come to a disappointing conclusion? So it's safe to say there's a fair amount of pressure original sin not only to be worthy of the serial killer we all know and love but too to provide a satisfying overall story arc. So how can the new series avoid the pitfalls of its predecessors?

Dexter's main relationship is always with his dark passenger

Dexter Morgan (Michael C. Hall) is not a hero. Sometimes throughout both the original series and New Bloodwe can root for him, but that's not because he's a good person or because he's doing the right thing, but because, to some extent, most of us agree with the bad things he does, but our morals forbid us to do anything about it. As a psychopath, however, Dexter has no morals and cannot form bonds, and it is his drives and urges that fill this void. All of this is manifested through his Dark Passengera narrative device that allows us to understand how it works.

There are many characters Dexterand most of them apparently come back for it original sinbut it is important to note that as important as some may be to Dexter, his primary relationship should always be with his Dark Passenger. Because he embodies all the negative traits he has as a psychopath and serial killer, it is also always present in the back of his mind. In Dexterfirst manifested through the image of his adoptive father, Harry Morgan (James Remar), and, a New Bloodof his adopted sister, Debra Morgan (Jennifer Carpenter). These two characters have special meaning to him because they played a central role in how he learned to deal with his impulses and consequently how the dark passenger came to be, however, since Dexter's psychological condition does not allow him to form a bond, none of the people around him can establish meaningful relationships with him, from his own point of view. Maybe these relationships are meaningful to these other people, but never to Dexter.

What both the original series and New Blood seemed to forget towards the end though, that's it the dark passenger must always be front and center in Dexter's mind. It's only fair that she kept him quiet for a while New Blood, but once it's out, it's out. Instead, what both shows did was focus on Dexter's relationships with other characters, such as Debra and her son, Harrison (Jack Alcott). When this happened, the essence of Dexter fadedand it stopped being a show about the dark corners of human nature and became a family drama centered around a guy who happens to also be a serial killer.

As important as Harry, Debra, and Harrison are to Dexter's civilian life, this is not his true self. He may have the facade of a family man, and it may even seem to us that he has a meaningful relationship with the people in his life, but he is literally unable to do so. For him it is a matter of survival, otherwise he cannot satisfy the urges that only he has. Even at the beginning of New BloodDexter recognizes that the dark passenger is still there after years of silence until he can't help but let it out to kill Matt Caldwell (Steve M. Robertson).

'Original Sin' must be about the formation of Dexter's dark passenger

The fact that Dexter's Dark Passenger manifests in the image of Harry Morgan in the original series is extremely significant to the story and both characters. Harry is the person who adopted Dexter and developed what is now known as the Harry Code. a set of rules that Dexter must follow to ensure that his urges are fulfilled without getting caught or fall into a killing spiral. The original series picks up around 10 years after Harry's death, and by then Dexter is comfortable with his Dark Passenger, but it hasn't always been that easy, has it?

Dexter shows us a lot of flashbacks of a younger version of the protagonist struggling with his impulses and not dealing with usual situations (and that's a shame original sin he probably won't use the iconic “young Dexter wig”, but that's okay). During this time in his life, the Dark Passenger was still taking shape, as he had Harry's ever-present guidance. He went to medical school to learn more about his craft and qualify for a job that would allow him to hide in plain sight his impulses and all that comes with his adherence to Harry's Code. So the code is essential for the dark passenger to take the form we see Dexter. After Debra's death, another layer is added to her, which is why she appears as her New Blood.

original sin will feature the return of Harry Morgan, now played by Christian Slater and still alive The show is set in 1991, while Dexter, now played by Patrick Gibson, he's in college and interning at Miami Metro PD, so it's still a training period for him as a serial killer. According to the timeline presented by the original series, Harry doesn't die until around 1996, when he discovers Dexter dismembering a body and overdoses on heart medication, so this five-year period is crucial for Dexter to learn to tame his dark passengerand also so that it correctly takes the form we are used to seeing.

It is important, however, to original sin so as not to make the mistake of trying too hard to feel like Dexter. A lot of casting news has come out recently, bringing back characters from the original series, making it seem like the prequel is more concerned with feeling familiar than telling an original story. These are supposed to be Dexter's formative years as a serial killernot necessarily his early days at Miami Metro PD, so more important than the setting, his settling into his own modus operandi and coming to terms with the Dark Passengers are what the protagonist has to be.

'Dexter' has sought its endings twice before

The main challenge for anyone Dexter The story on TV seems to be the end. With two series so far, both have essentially failed to deliver on all fronts. There is no right way to limit a Dexter series, of course, but some results were expected. Dexter is a serial killer and a psychopath, and we may like him, but he still has to pay for all the terrible things he did. Unfortunately, neither the original series nor New Blood they have been able to give him his due, and they felt that they were more anxious not to make him too bad in person.

Being a prequel, it might seem original sin you won't have this problem. We already know what will happen after the end original sin, but it still requires a proper story that makes given who becomes the main character. People like it Dexter because explores the darkest corners of human nature and how they manifest in people like him. This is the fundamental value that must be present until the end, i original sin it has a chance to be the first time it happens.

Dexter: New Blood is available to stream on Paramount+.



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