‘Who Is Erin Carter?’ Dethroned In Netflix’s Top 10 List By A New Show


With the arrival of One Piece, I figured that it would be the show to dethrone Who Is Erin Carter? on Netflix’s top 10 list. But as of right now, it’s not registering on the list yet, perhaps launched too soon, and instead it’s a different show entirely that is now #1.

Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones

Sorry what? What is this? A wild title there, and as it seems like a self-help book you’d find in a grocery store. What it actually is, however, is a documentary where an “aging expert” author goes around the world to find places where people live “long, vibrant lives.” This includes places like Japan, California, Greece, Costa Rica and Singapore. It’s just four episodes long, but I guess a bunch of people really want to see how to live to 100.

Again, I do not imagine this will be on top for long. One Piece should end up there soon, but if it doesn’t, that may spell trouble for future seasons given the high costs of the show. If it doesn’t hit #1 and stay there a while, I would be concerned about a second season.

The reset of the list is mostly old hits sliding down, including Erin Carter at #2, The Ultimatum at #3 after never hitting #1, and Swamp Kings at #4. The rest of the list is the same, Painkiller, Ragnarok, Depp v Heard, Suits, Lincoln Lawyer and Ballers are all not new to the list at all, and have been hanging out a while. The Lincoln Lawyer was just renewed for season 3, which is something, but almost none of those other shows are waiting for renewal other than maybe Ragnarok.

I am definitely the most curious to see how One Piece performs, as it’s gotten good reviews and a lot of fan support. But will its fanbase be enough to make an impact on the wider Netflix audience market? We probably won’t know until tomorrow or later today. With infinite source material, if it does well, this could be a show that lasts forever, but that’s not really how Netflix does things, and it’s going to have to eat what it kills and perform quite well to continue onward from here.

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Pick up my sci-fi novels the Herokiller series and The Earthborn Trilogy.


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