Fernando Villarreal Justice Center renamed for Waco judge


The McLennan County Precinct 5 constable and justice of the peace building in South Waco will be renamed in honor of retired Judge Fernando Villarreal, who was the first judge to hold court in the space during his 30 years as justice of the peace.

Villarreal was also the first Hispanic judge in McLennan County, presiding as justice of the peace first in Precinct 8 then in Precinct 5 after precincts were redrawn, before retiring at the end of last year. With Villarreal not seeking reelection, voters picked LucyAnn Sanchez-Miramontez in November to take his place as JP in Precinct 5.

The McLennan County Commissioners Court passed a resolution Tuesday to rename the Precinct 5 building at 1800 Richter Ave. as the Fernando Villarreal Justice Center.

“I can’t think of a more appropriate match between naming a public facility after a very dedicated and well-respected public servant than Fernando Villarreal,” McLennan County Judge Scott Felton said. “He performed all of his duties with excellence.”

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Villarreal said he was surprised to learn of the renaming.

“It makes me feel humble and happy,” Villarreal said.

The actual renaming ceremony will be scheduled at a time that works for Villarreal, his family and his friends, Felton said.

“He had a real passion for the youth of the county,” Felton said. “He helped put many truant students back on the right path. The schools in our county for which he handled truancy cases were very complimentary of how he handled these issues. He is sorely missed.”

Villarreal said he did not attend the commissioners court meeting Tuesday when commissioners voted unanimously to rename the building for him. He said his wife and brother and some other family members were there.

He said his birthday was Monday, but the family gathered Tuesday evening to celebrate. That was when his wife and his brother surprised him with news of the renaming, he said.

“One of my goals was to have something permanent, a county building in South Waco. My goal was to get it built,” Villarreal said of working with commissioners to get the facility built around 2008. “It’s really important to me, the work that I did and the service that I provided to the taxpayers of this county. This renaming is recognition of what I did.”

Judge Fernando Villarreal, justice of the peace of Precinct 5 and the first Hispanic judge in McLennan County, will retire at year’s end, after 30 years on the bench.

Judge Fernando Villarreal, justice of the peace of Precinct 5 and the first Hispanic judge in McLennan County, will retire at year’s end, after 30 years on the bench.


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