Here Are the FALLOUT Series Characters’ Official SPECIAL Stats


Prime Video's Negative consequence Very clever TV series gives life to the world of Negative consequence games. While of course a TV series naturally unfolds differently than a game, there are moments where fans can almost see familiar gameplay mechanics at work behind the scenes. For example, when Brotherhood of Steel squires carry their knight's excessively large supply bag, you can practically see an “overloaded” condition come to life. Naturally, the Negative consequence The series asks fans to ask what their main characters' SPECIAL stats are. Fortunately, viewers don't have to debate for too long. Bethesda added the Negative consequence the main characters of the series Fallout Shelter. And that means the stars of the Negative consequence The Lucy to Ghoul TV show now has EXCLUSIVE official canon stats.

Jump to: What are the SPECIAL stats Negative consequence? // The SPECIAL official statistics of the Negative consequence Main characters of the series (lucy / The Ghoul / maximum / My June) // It will be the special stats of these Negative consequence Series change?

What are the SPECIAL stats Negative consequence?

Prime Video

SPECIAL stats are the stats of the main characters in the Negative consequence games In Negative consequenceThe world of SPECIAL stands for Strength, Perception, Stamina, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility and Luck. You need all of these combined to survive in the wasteland and Negative consequencethe treacherous world of. Each SPECIAL stat is assigned a number between 1 and 10 during character creation. As a player evolves in the game, their stats can evolve as well. And that's something to keep in mind when we take a look at the SPECIAL stats of the main characters in the Negative consequence TV series.

The Negative consequence Official special stats for main characters from the TV series, according to Bethesda Fallout Shelter

Fallout Shelter reveals special stats for the series' main characters
Bethesda Softworks

Bethesda recently added four characters from the Negative consequence series in your mobile game, Fallout Shelter. In addition to fun missions and new locations to celebrate the show, Fallout Shelter also reveals the SPECIAL stats of its main characters: Lucy, The Ghoul, Maximus and Ma June. You can check them out below.

Lucy's Officer Negative consequence SPECIAL statistics

Fallout Season 1 image of Lucy by Ella Purnell
Prime Video

Here are the SPECIAL stats from the Lucy Maclean canon Negative consequencethe world of Lucy may not be the strongest player, but she has a perceptive mind. And, well, it's fair to call Lucy Maclean lucky: she was able to live most of her life in a safe and happy place, which is more than most people can say in Negative consequencethe world of Overall, Lucy's SPECIAL stats place her as a mostly average person, a blank slate if you will. But He has a long way to go Negative consequence series.

  • Strength: 4
  • Perception: 7
  • Resistance: 6
  • Charisma: 5
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Agility: 5
  • Luck: 7

The Ghoul Officer Negative consequence SPECIAL statistics

Waton Goggins Red Scarred Noseless Cowboy Hat with Ghoul from Fallout, Fallout Shelter reveals SPECIAL stats about Ghouls and other main characters from the Fallout series.
Prime Video

The Ghoul, on the other hand, definitely not a lucky guy. He's spent 219 years in the wastelands feasting on ass. We are not sure we want this life. But, his endurance, perception and agility will help him survive. Of course, there's also the Ghoul's SPECIAL high-charisma stat, but honestly, we'd give that Negative consequence characterize a 10 out of 10 in this department. Even without his nose, Walton Goggins is a charismatic sidekick.

  • Strength: 5
  • Perception: 6
  • Resistance: 7
  • Charisma: 7
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Agility: 7
  • Luck: 4

Officer of Maximus Negative consequence SPECIAL statistics

Maximus in a bathrobe from the Fallout series, special stats reveal himbo status
Prime Video

Canon of Maximus Negative consequence SPECIAL stats tell a charming story. If Maximus was not yet clearly a Himbo, his official statistics confirm it. And we love that for him. Maximum it could be a part of the ruthless Brotherhood of Steelas his 7 in strength reveals, but he's really a tovato who just wants to lounge in a cozy bathrobe.

  • Strength: 7
  • Perception: 6
  • Resistance: 6
  • Charisma: 5
  • Intelligence: 4
  • Agility: 7
  • Luck: 5

Ma June officer Negative consequence SPECIAL statistics

Fallout Ma June with Lucy and Wilzig, Fallout Shelter reveals Ma June's SPECIAL Fallout stats along with other characters from the series
Prime Video

Ma June may not be the main character of the Negative consequence TV series, but it's certainly fascinating. It really helps move the plot along, bringing key characters together, so we're excited to learn more about this denizen of the Negative consequence world of the series through its SPECIAL stats.

  • Strength: 5
  • Perception: 7
  • Resistance: 5
  • Charisma: 7
  • Intelligence: 6
  • Agility: 4
  • Luck: 6

Could the SPECIAL stats of these characters from the Fallout series change?

Lucy bleeding with a gun in the Fallout series
Prime Video

Of course, these SPECIAL stats are just the baseline for the Negative consequence series' Main characters. We don't know for sure if these stats represent the characters at the beginning or the end of Negative consequence first season But regardless, there's plenty of room for change as the characters continue to venture out. We bet we'll see Lucy's strength skyrocket over time, and hopefully the Ghoul can catch just a little more luck. We will have to watch Fallout Shelter to see if the stats of the characters in the series change.


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