William Shatner Open to STAR TREK Return as De-Aged Captain Kirk


Yes Star Trek 4 it can get out of development hell and into production, we could soon be seeing more of Chris Pine's Captain Kirk on our screens. But he's not the only Captain Kirk who could return. William Shatner recently spoke to Canada Global news on a potential return to Star Trek world as Captain Kirk.

Paramount Pictures

He shared, “It's an intriguing idea… It's almost impossible. But if it was a great role and so well written and if there was a reason to be there not just to make a cameo, but if there was a genuine reason for the character to appear, I might consider it.” The publication shares that Shatner considered returning as a younger Captain Kirk through the use of deaging technology.

Although Shatner's Captain Kirk was killed off in 1994 Star Trek Generations, Shatner notes that perhaps Kirk's body and brain could be seen to have been frozen and then revived. He shares, “Here we have Captain Kirk's brain frozen.” There is a stage. 'Let's see if we get a bit of this, a bit of salt, a bit of pepper. Oh, look at that. Here comes Captain Kirk!'”


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