Victorian detective jailed for intercourse with sex crime victim


The man's former partner, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told Melhuish how she feared the man because of previous sexual, emotional and physical violence.

Melhuish began visiting her late at night, asking if there was anything he could do and check on her well-being.

Judge Richard Maidment said John Melhuish exploited his position of power as a police officer.Credit: Paul Rovere

The accused man fled to Queensland after the rape in April 2012 and Melhuish arranged for his arrest and extradition to Victoria.

After the arrest, Melhuish called the man's former partner late at night with the news of the arrest and went to check on her.

She told him she “looked hot in the T-shirt and shorts she was wearing, and it turned him on,” Albert said, and then had sex with her.


Melhuish told the woman she could not tell anyone what happened between them as her case against her ex-partner could be dismissed.

The detective continued to visit the woman and told her in October 2013 that no one could ever see her text messages.

“I think I still wanted to be your friend in 10 years and each of us will protect the other,” he wrote in a message read out in court.

When the woman's former partner pleaded guilty in court to the crimes against the other woman, Melhuish went to her home to break the news.

Melhuish guided her to the bedroom, pushed her onto the bed, removed her pants and the pair had sex.

He was suspended from Victoria Police in March 2020 after the woman revealed what had happened between them.

Melhuish's barrister, Jason Gullaci, SC, said his client had lost his career, marriage and contact with his children because of the offending.

“Go to jail and understand that today will be jail,” Gullaci said.

Judge Richard Maidment said Melhuish exploited his position of power as a police officer by having sex with the woman.

“His conduct was aimed at a person who was undoubtedly a vulnerable victim of sexual violence and abuse at the hands of a partner,” the judge said.

“Your proximity to the investigation and to the victim and to the defendant could jeopardize the criminal proceedings against this man.”

Melhuish was ordered to carry out community work for more than 18 months after being released from his five-month prison sentence.



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