Why the FALLOUT Series Won’t Have To Choose Between NEW VEGAS’ Four Endings


When Hank MacLane fled the Boneyard (née Los Angeles) in the final moments of Negative consequencethe first season, he took the series to an iconic place in video games. New Vegas is home to what some consider the best entry in the franchise. Going there, though, Prime Video's canonical show has it raised all the new questions over the city of sin in the desert. The Fallout: New Vegas The video game has four possible endings that players can unlock. Then small variations can also occur within each of the New Vegas ends, putting even more Negative consequence possibilities on the table. But the TV series cannot treat all four as facts. So, based on what we learned from the events of the Prime Video series, what Fallout: New Vegas does the ending treat the show as the final one?

The answer is almost certainly the best option for fans Fallout: New Vegas-none of them

What is Fallout: New Vegas About?

Obsidian Entertainment

Whether you are new to the Negative consequence a franchise or a longtime fan, you can read all about the game in our deep dive guide and discover what it revealed about the state of the western half of the United States 15 years before the Prime Video series began. (The game takes place in the year 2281. The Negative consequence The current timeline of the TV series begins in the year 2296.)

Fallout: New Vegas has players playing as The Courier, a character caught in an all-out battle of powerful groups over priceless real estate. They all fight for New Vegas, the nearby wasteland of the Mojave Desert, and the Hoover Dam. The dam is of particular importance as it provides clean water and energy for those who control it.

At the beginning of the Negative consequence Joc, the New California Republic (NCR) operates the Hoover Dam. They also have a deal with New Vegas frontman Mr. House, a character who appeared in the first season Negative consequence series

Who is Fallout: New Vegas' Mr. House?

Animated image of a Mr.  House with a mustache in a black suit and tie on a computer screen in Fallout: New Vegas
Obsidian Entertainment

Robert Edwin House was only 22 years old when he started the multi-billion dollar robotics conglomerate (and close business partner of Vault-Tec) RobCo in 2042. Mr. House was much, much, much older when The Courier arrived in glamorous New Vegas.

It was because of Mr. House that New Vegas was as close to a pre-war city as America had gotten. He had prepared the city for nuclear war, and thanks to his planning, Las Vegas took some of the damage that almost every other major city suffered when the bombs started falling.

But Mr. House still controlled his gambling mecca two centuries later, thanks to a special hibernation chamber on life support. With his body (barely) preserved and his brain connected directly to a massive supercomputer, Mr. House was able to continue ruling New Vegas.

The messenger's decisions in the game determine whether Mr. House still lives and controls his city at the end of Fallout: New Vegas.

What are the four alternative endings of Fallout: New Vegas?

Fallout New Vegas Hoover Dam
Obsidian Entertainment

Fallout: New Vegas finally culminates with the Second Battle of the Hoover Dam. (The first took place several years before the start of the game.) Three entities hope to control it: the NCR, Caesar's Legion, and Mr. House. The player's choice to align with one of them (or not) determines who takes over the Hoover Dam and New Vegas. These four possible Fallout: New Vegas alternative endings include:

The Republic of New California annexes New Vegas and the Mojave Desert

Two people shake hands near a flag before a war-torn field in Fallout: New Vegas
Obsidian Entertainment

In that Fallout: New Vegas Upon completion, the NCR not only maintains the Hoover Dam, but also takes over New Vegas and the surrounding area. Total victory contributes to the eastward expansion of the growing and powerful government.

Caesar's Legion claims the entire region by the end of New Vegas

The Courier kneels before Caesar and his Legion soldiers in an ending of Fallout: New Vegas
Obsidian Entertainment

If the player supports The Legion, a group inspired by the ancient Roman society that enslaves people and narrowly lost the First Battle of the Hoover Dam, they take over everything related to New Vegas. Their victory also forces the NCR to retreat westward, slowing the NCR's expansion.

The player's previous decisions determine whether the leader of the Legion, Edward “Caesar” Sallow, lives or dies in this Fallout: New Vegas end In endings where he does not survive, his subordinate, The Legate, is named the new Caesar. No matter which of the two ultimately rules, however, they bring a brutal form of tyrannical civilization to New Vegas.

Mr. House claims Hoover Dam and the Mojave Desert

Animated image of a Mr.  House with a mustache on a robot's head in Fallout New Vegas
Obsidian Entertainment

Players who support Mr. House improving his Securitron's robot army allow for an ending where the ruler of New Vegas forces both the NCR and the Legion away from the Hoover Dam. Then Mr. House takes control of both himself and the Mojave around him, firmly establishing himself as the leader of the Negative consequence region

The messenger (with the help of Yes Man) frees New Vegas

Yes Man with his smiley face on a Securitron robot in Fallout: New Vegas
Obsidian Entertainment

In the final alternative Fallout: New Vegas in the end, the messenger goes into business for himself. Using the beloved character Yes Man, a Securiton voiced by Dave Foley who can only say yes to any request, the Courier takes over the network of Mr. House and, in turn, the Hoover Dam, New Vegas and the surrounding area. In that Negative consequence end, New Vegas is set free.

In each of these conclusions, New Vegas seems poised to have long-term leadership that will keep the city stable (even if that means brutal, despotic rule). However, 15 years later, on Prime Video's Negative consequence series, regardless of the ending, this is not the case with New Vegas.

what did he do Negative consequence Season 1 reveal about New Vegas?

Welcome to the poster for New Vegas from the TV series Fallout
Prime Video

The end credits animation of Negative consequenceThe first season finale showed New Vegas in rough shape. Instead of a bustling city of gambling and fun or strict order, it seemed that something terrible had happened in the 15 years since the Courier made its decision. It looked like a city in ruins, as if a great battle had destroyed the strip. who did this Why did NCR planes crash on the streets? What happened to the winner of the Second Hoover Dam, whoever he was?

This carnage is why the series may never give us a canonical answer about what happened before. It doesn't matter who “won”. Fallout: New Vegas because enough time has passed that the winner doesn't seem to matter anymore, as things can change quickly in the wasteland. (Something the creators of the show have specifically pointed this out.) The Vault-Tec mastermind behind the proverbial wheel looking for the Ghoul might have come and claimed the important region for themselves.

NCR helicopter in New Vegas from the TV series Fallout
Prime Video

By focusing only on the current state of New Vegas and what it means for the present, the Prime Video series can honor Fallout: New Vegas without choosing a definitive ending. It's the best of both worlds. Less so if you've lived in New Vegas at some point in the last 15 years.

But just because Negative consequence it seems unlikely that you will choose one of the New VegasThe potential endings as canon doesn't mean there aren't still significant connections to all four.

How did he do it? Negative consequence Season 1 Connect directly with Fallout: New Vegas?

Cameo by Mr House portraying Robco from the TV series Fallout (2)
Prime Video

Negative consequenceThe first season had the same Mr. House by RobCo. He was seen at the Vault-Tec meeting on Barb Howard spoke of the start of a nuclear war of the company. On the show, House was skeptical of society thriving underground, which fits with his character's preparation to keep Las Vegas livable on the surface. Whether or not the messenger killed him in “canon” New Vegas In the end, someone reconnected his brain to the network before the Negative consequence series? Is there a Yes Man rescheduled with him? Mr. Did House destroy his own city instead of letting someone else take over? Or is it the same person that Hank goes to in the last scene of the Negative consequence show?

The show also revealed that the mysterious current ruler of New Vegas, whoever he is, dropped a nuclear bomb on the NCR's capital, Shady Sands, years ago. In reality, that atrocity seemed to conflict with the canon established by Fallout: New Vegas. In the New Vegas Shady Sands was said to continue to thrive, but Prime Video said it fell in 2277, four years before 2281 (the time when New Vegas takes place). However, the show's creators have said that the apparent discrepancy was intentional, and so we can expect an explanation of what really happened in future seasons.

Fallout Series Sarita Choudhury's Moldaver
Prime Video

We can also expect to learn more about the current state of the NCR in the Negative consequence series The once powerful and expanding government now seems to be in ruins. Moldaver appeared to be running a much smaller NCR from the ruins of the Griffith Observatory when he died.

Is there a larger force of NCR officers elsewhere? Or is the group now gone forever as the region falls under the Brotherhood's brutal metal thumb? And what does all this have to do with the Hoover Dam?

The Negative consequence The series doesn't have to choose one New Vegas Completion

Golden skies over New Vegas and the Fallout desert
Prime Video

Clearly something terrible happened to the NCR sometime in the last 15 years. The same happens with Mr. House and his beloved city after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam. Bad for them, of course. But great for video game fans who don't want Prime Video Negative consequence series to say three of the New Vegas' the possible endings canonically never happened.

The Negative consequence The series doesn't have to choose just one conclusion as the only one. What matters is that NCR, The Legion and Mr. House had problems after that Fallout: New Vegas.

Mikey Walsh is a Nerdist writer currently trying to book a weekend in Fallout's New Vegas. You can follow it Twitter i Bluesky at @burgermike. And also anywhere someone is ranking the Targaryen kings.


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